Our skin is the largest organ in the human body. It also comes in contact with the elements the most and is affected by the state and the health of nearly every other organ in the body. Your skin can get dehydrated easily making you look and feel older and this dryness can cause lasting damage. According to the Salt Society, most stylists tend to target younger consumers without realizing that dermatology and skincare are still a huge part of styling. Nearly 75 percent of all clients and revenue in the dermatology industry comes from clients over 34 years old.
We have all heard of the traditional facial, washing your face, pampering, adding creams and serums. The hydrafacial is a bit more involved and is one of the most powerful yet non-invasive skin resurfacing treatments that you can have done. It works to clean, exfoliate, clear out the pores, hydrate, provide antioxidant protection, remove dead skin cells and even help to remove impurities. All this while giving extra moisture to the skin that penetrates deeply and helps to change the texture and plumpness of the skin.
This sounds like a miracle, right? The technology used to develop this facial has been studied and tested so that each part of the process delivers some magnificent benefit to the customer. Though a traditional facial is going to help make you feel good for a while, a hyrdafacial boasts more lasting effects that actually change the look and feel of skin over time. The hydrafacial is a great way to get into facials if you have never had one and you want something that is going to be effective and that is actually going to deliver results.
This type of treatment is great for all skin types, for all age groups, and for all sexes and can truly change your skin for the better. Our skin comes in contact with so much each day, pollution, wind, rain, sun, heat, and cold and so much more. It is important to stop every once in a while and think about what it is that your skin needs to feel and look hydrated.
Taking care of your skin is a fantastic investment into the future and can lead to skin that looks better over time, skin that feels better, and skin that ages more gracefully.
Contact us today to find out more!
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